Note on the fridge

Collection of stories from the many notes and magnets on the fridge.

So, who owns this fridge?

"Bedebap, bedebup"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This is definitely something you don't joke around with, and knowing my family history, I need to know this pretty well. But two things happened this week definitely stopped me in my tracks and made me think "Aiyoo, I don't think that was the chili in the kebab...":

1) First day of work: Some people confuse anxiety attack with heart attack. I've had an anxiety attack before, and it did occur in my mind if it was something more, but the fact that it disappeared after the toilet finally flushed properly pinpointed to me that it was all anxiety. Well, that's how I felt looking up at the building where I currently work - my first day at work. With sweaty palms, nausea, and to quote the magnet "feeling of impending doom", I was more than just a bit nervous. But once I got into the office, sat in my seat and stared out to this view, it all went away:
I'm finally working for an organisation I'm proud to say I work for, the views are great and the people are genuinely friendly. Suddenly, the anxiety was long forgotten and only serenity settled in.

2) Old house cleanup: We've just moved into a new property, but we were still waiting on finalising the old house. We've cleaned up as much as possible, and even got a professional cleaner to come around, but still we were both worried it wasn't enough that we couldn't get our full bond back. To be honest, we couldn't care less, but we don't want any bad rep with the real estate agent. It was a bit of anxiety when we handed our keys - but thank goodness we got a call to say that the house has been checked and our bond will be returned in full. Phew!

I must admit, I am worried about heart attack since I've got a strong family history of heart issues. But when I look at my new job, my new house and my wifey by my side, I'd say that I'm thankful I'm living a life full of great experiences and great people around me.

Now, off to bed - adios!