Note on the fridge

Collection of stories from the many notes and magnets on the fridge.

So, who owns this fridge?

"Don't Sign Anything"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wifey and I got this magnet when we first moved into our shoebox after we got married. It came in the mail and it had nothing else but this magnet, a phone number and a website. I had no idea what it was about, but we needed magnets to hold up fuel dockets on the fridge, so it was one of the first magnets we had.

I'm sure the intention for the magnet was to get the individual to search the website, but as time went by we had other things to occupy our time. Until today, I sat down in front of my laptop, and decided to search.

What I found was intriguing - it was a book titled "Don't Sign Anything" written by a man called Neil Jenman, the inventor of what is called the Jenman System. Its focused on business ethics and client care in real estate, and the website is a consumer advocacy website warning people of real estate scams around Australia.

I would've never guessed unless I went to the website.

Then, I thought "Would I still take the magnet if I knew what it was about?". It had no relevance to me at the time because we were renting, but say I was buying a house - I would definitely consider looking into what Jenman had to say.

But then, during that time both wifey and I were starting from scratch and we were collecting fuel dockets to save as much as we can on petrol. The purpose for the magnet has changed: its so that we can both share any fuel dockets we collect.

If anything, the significance of this magnet has changed. I'm sure Jenman wanted someone to knock on his door and say "Mate, your magnet prevented me from losing my home to a scam". I'm sure that he would love to be recognised as someone who made a difference to someone's life.

But if I saw him, I would've said "Mate, got anymore magnets? They hold up fuel dockets really well!" :)